Terms & Conditions

Thank you for shopping at Truckdiag. Please read these terms and conditions carefully.

Truckdiag Ltd. is an official distributor of original equipment made by Cryptomotive (Enigma Tool products). ElproSys (DiagProg products), Codecard (Carprog products) and other manufacturers. Also, Truckdiag Ltd. manufactures its products like AdBlue Emulators and their accessories.

We sell only original and quality products. All the goods (except cables, adapters, used PC computers, software and other accessories) have a 12-month limited warranty from the day of purchase.

We’re shipping our products worldwide by the DHL Express shipping service. You must check every package carefully before signing up on shipping documents. If the package is damaged, you must reject the package.

We do not accept returns, and we do not make refunds. If the equipment is not working properly, we will repair it or change it to another working unit. We can reject our warranty if we identify improper usage of the product that caused its damage, or in the case of several same warranty events. Client agrees to cover all shipping costs when sending any goods for warranty service.

Your responsibility is to ensure the product meets your requirements before buying. If you not convinced that product meets all your requirement, please do not buy any equipment.

We dissociate ourselves from responsibility for what purpose you will use the purchased equipment as some of our products may be illegal to use in some countries (like AdBlue Emulators or odometer programmers). Also, we do not accept any liability for damage caused by incorrect usage of our products. All our products designed for professional use only.

By accepting these terms and conditions, you agree with all statements. You refuse of any prosecution against Truckdiag Ltd., and you do understand that sales are final and no returns and refunds apply. If you disagree with any of the terms, please do not buy any equipment.

For more information, please contact us directly by visiting this page on our website: https://www.truckdiag.com/contacts

Privacy and sensitive data

We do care about our client confidentiality, so we apply a series of measures to protect all sensitive data.

  • We do not use more tracking tools than it’s necessary just to keep the shopping experience at its best. Only session control (to keep your selected items in the cart) and Google Analytics tracking code needed for our business and website optimization reports.
  • We have SSL certificate installed on our web server and running all over the whole site to make sure our clients protected against “man in the middle” type attacks. Currently, we are using “Let’s Encrypt” security certificate.
  • We do not collect, store more personal data than it’s necessary for generating invoices and shipping documents.
  • We do not process any payments locally on our site. Instead, we are using so called payment gateways and all payments made through Paypal or Stripe Credit Card processors outside our site. Our web server is managed 24/7 and is PCI compliant (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard ).
  • We try to keep all our online store software up to date. Also, we have applied several security measures like WordPress Security Plugin and server side security solutions to make our site and our client data safer.
Please pay attention! We are selling professional diagnostic equipment and tools intended for professional use. Before you try to contact us remember that we are not providing any training of how to work with these tools and equipment. We can help you to solve problems if something is not working, but if it’s working and you don’t know how to use it we can’t assist you with this. We interact every day with an extensive community of our customers, and we can’t allocate additional resources to answer questions that are not related to solving real problems or troubleshooting. Thank you.